Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No driver yet

I got a little worried, because the driver told me the last 2 times, 4pm is the latest pick-up time in my area and they can't come any later, so I scheduled 4pm. Now he wasn't here yet and it's already 4:41. I called UPS to make sure, they didn't forget it, and the agent said, he is still on tour and I am scheduled.

Ok, so I would have to mow my lawn now, but am not sure, if I am able to. I may try it. Last time they came too early, now they come too late, what a PITA they are.

I wished I hadn't closed the box yet, but the babies probably won't realize any difference.

OH God, I am shaking, this is too much to deal with.

I pray to God he will be with them again, he did a good job the last times.

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