My spineless opunitas have arrived. My torts will be happy, they didn't have any since 3 months. They ate the last plant I had, down to the bones, and there was no recovery.
They love the opuntias so much that they wouldn't eat anything else, if they had enough.

This is opuntia humifusa, very winterhardy with yellow flowers

This is Opuntia ficus indica, that produces these yummy fruits. It is only winter hardy to 20 degrees and I probably will need to get it potted up before it freezes. I got 3 pads of those. and several pads of the cold hardy one.
I planted them in my new succulent bed, but will take very good care, that the torts don't get to them, before they have a chance to grow. But I am pretty sure, I will have to replant them latest tomorrow, because I just know Daisyboy will discover them on his evening walk and make it public :)
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