Last night was a nightmare for me. Since they had left in the box with the UPS guy, I couldn't help and cried a few hours. It really wore me out and I had the worst imaginations on how people would throw the package around and upside down during the transport. UPS provides great tracking unlike USPS, and I could follow every step of the journey, so that was at least something. The new Mom even stayed up the entire night and checked on the tracking status regularily. I woke up with an extreme headache this morning and believe it or not, lost 3 pounds, because I had to run to the bathroom all the time, so nervous I have been. At 4am I woke up and after a cup of coffee, I turned the computer on to check the shipment status and saw, they had arrived in Louisiana, Kentucky. The new Mom was also awake and we wrote emails forward and back. some of you may think we are nuts, but it was my first time shipping animals, and I was so afraid, something terrible could happen to them. I was glued to the computer and refreshed the shipping status maybe a hundred times, until they finally arrived in Virginia. Then it took an other 2 hours until they got delivered and at 9:45 I got the email from their new Mom, that they had arrived and are doing well.
Here are some pics of them in their new home.

It seems as if they didn't even notice any difference. The setup was almost identical to what they had here and even the food dish was the same like I had for them. I was so happy that they found such a good home and extremely relived to see them well and eating after this sleepless night.
Thank you Kathy for adopting my babies (now yours) and being such a loving Mom to them.
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